Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sweet Valentines

The other day the girls were very busy with making valentines for Daddy and heart healthy valentine muffins. The valentines for Daddy were a big hit,but the end product of the healthy muffins...not so much. The girls enjoyed mixing all the ingredients for the muffins and loved watching the batter turn into real muffins, but I guess the idea of making them with whole wheat flour was not the best choice for the girls' taste buds! Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

Brett, Lesley, Caroline and Eleanor said...

THANK YOU! THANK YOU for my crayon heart, Sara and Emily! I loved it right away and I have been coloring with it (even though Mommy said she's not sure if that what I'm supposed to do with it!). MIss you and can't wait to see you in June!!!